첨단기능나노소자 연구실
- 163. Wonwoo Kho, Hyunjoo Hwang, and Seung-Eon Ahn, "Exploring Multi-Bit Logic In-Memory with Memristive HfO2-Based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions"
Adv. Electron. Mater. 10(3), 2300618, 2024
- 162. Jisu Byun, Wonwoo Kho, Hyunjoo Hwang, Minjeong Kang, Yoomi Kang, Taewan Noh, Hoseong Kim, Jimin Lee, Hyo-Bae Kim, Ji-Hoon Ahn and Seung-Eon Ahn, "Spike Optimization to Improve Properties of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Synaptic Devices for Neuromorphic Computing System Applications"
Nanomaterials 13(19), 2704, (2023)
- 161. Wonwoo Kho, Hyunjoo Hwang, Jisoo Kim, Gyuil Park, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Improvement of Resistance Change Memory Characteristics in Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric (like) Parallel Structures", Nanomaterials, 13(2), 439, (2023)
- 160. Wonwoo Kho, Gyuil Park, Jisoo Kim, Hyunjoo Hwang, Jisu Byun, Yoomi Kang, Minjeong Kang, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Synaptic Characteristic of Hafnia-Based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Device for Neuromorphic Computing Application", Nanomaterials, 13(1), 114, (2023)
- 159. Hyo-Bae Kim,Kyun Seong Dae,Youkyoung Oh,Seung-Won Lee,Yoseop Lee,Seung-Eon Ahn,Jae Hyuck Jang,Ji-Hoon Ahn, "A Simple Strategy to Realize Super Stable Ferroelectric Capacitor via Interface Engineering", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(15), 2102528, (2022)
- 158. Yoseop Lee, Sungmun Song, Woori Ham, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Si-Doped HfO2-Based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions with a Composite Energy Barrier for Non-Volatile Memory Applications", Materials. 15(6), 2251, (2022)
- 157. Sungmun Song, Woori Ham, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Recyclable aligned carbon nanotube-sheet-based particulate air filter with high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop", Current Applied Physics. 36, 131, (2022)
- 156. Sungmun Song, Woori Ham, Gyuil Park, Wonwoo Kho, Jisoo Kim, Hyunjoo Hwang, Hyo-Bae Kim, Hyunsun Song, Ji-Hoon Ahn, and Seung-Eon Ahn, "Highly Stable Artificial Synapses Based on Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions for Neuromorphic Computing Applications", Advanced Materials Technologies. 7, 2101323, (2022)
- 155. Seunghyeon Hong, Yoseop Lee, Dante Ahn, and Seung-Eon Ahn, "Comparison of the evolution of internal bias field of doped hafnia ferroelectric capacitors for the field-cycling reliability", Applied Physics Letters, 118,1 (2021)
- 154. Moonyoung Jung, Dante Ahn, and Seung-Eon Ahn, "Analysis of Polarization Characteristics Change of the Si-doped HfO2 with Temperature Using Impedance Spectroscopy", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 77, 9 (2020)
- 153. Dante Ahn, Moonyoung Jung, Yoseop Lee, Sungmun Song, Woori Ham, Dongseok Suh and Seung-Eon Ahn ,"Compensation Charge Control and Modeling for Reproducing Negative Capacitance Effect of Hafnia Ferroelectric Thin Films", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 23, 2001356 (2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202001356)
- 152. Deukhyeon Nam, Moonyoung Jung, Seung-Eon Ahn, Dae-Young Jeon ,"Orientation-dependent impedance response of highly aligned carbon nanotube sheets" Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical 313. 112287 (2020)
- 151. Dante Ahn, Seung-Eon Ahn,"Thermoacoustic properties of multi-wall carbon nanotube sheet for loudspeaker application"Materials Letters, 263,127242 (2020)
- 150. Jungkyu Yoon, Seung hyeon Hong, Yong Won Song, Ji-Hoon Ahn, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Understanding Tunneling Electroresistance Effect through Potential Profile in Pt/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/TiN Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memory", Applied Physics Letters. 115, 153502 (2019)
- 149. Youngji Noh, Moonyoung Jung, Jungkyu Yoon, Seung hyeon Hong, Sanghyun Park, Bo Soo Kang, Seung-Eon Ahn, "Switching dynamics and modeling of multi-domain Zr-Doped HfO2 ferroelectric thin films", Current Applied Physics. 19, 486-496 (2019)
- 148. Sanghyun Park, Min Chul Chun, Solmin Park, Ga-yeon Park, Moonyoung Jung, Youngji Noh, Seung-Eon Ahn and Bo Soo Kang " "Negative capacitance phenomena depending on the wake-up effect in the ferroelectric Si:HfO2 film", Current Applied Physics. 19, 347-350 (2019)
- 147. Moonyoung Jung, Youngji Noh, Dongseok Suh, Seung-Eon Ahn " "Flexible and Thermally Stable Optical Polarizers Based on Highly Aligned Carbon Nanotube Sheets for the Visible Spectral Range", Advanced Materials Technologies. 3 (12), 1800203, (2018)
- 146. Yourack Lee, Viet Thong Le, Jeong-Gyun Kim, Haeyong Kang, Eun Sung Kim, Seung-Eon Ahn, and Dongseok Suh “Versatile, High-Power, Flexible, Stretchable Carbon Nanotube Sheet Heating Elements Tolerant to Mechanical Damage and Severe Deformation” Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 (8), 1706007, (2018)
- 145. Jae Chul Park, Seung-Eon Ahn “Dynamic Properties of Flat-Panel X-Ray Image Sensors With Mercury Iodide Photoconductors Undergoing Repeated X-Ray Irradiation” J. Electrons Device Soc., 5, pp 401, (2017)
- 144. Seung-Eon Ahn, Sungho Park, Taeho Kim, Junghak Park, and Sanghun Jeon “Photoresponse of an oxide semiconductor photosensor” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 33(3), (2015)
- 143. Sanghun Jeon, Ihun Song, Sungsik Lee, Byungki Ryu, Seung-Eon Ahn, Eunha Lee, Young Kim, Arokia Nathan, John Robertson andU-In Chung. “Origin of High Photoconductive Gain in Fully Transparent Heterojunction Nanocrystalline Oxide Image Sensors and Interconnects” Adv. Mater. 26 (41), pp7102, (2014)
- 142. Sang-Chul Na, Jae-Jun Kim, Min Chul Chun, Da Hee Jin, Seung-Eon Ahn, and Bo Soo Kang, “Mechanism of the reset process in bipolar-resistance-switching Ta/TaOx/Pt capacitors based on observation of the capacitance and resistance” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 123503 (2014)
41. Jae-Sung Kim, Min-Kyu Joo, Ming Xing Piao, Seung-Eon Ahn, Yong-Hee Choi, Ho-Kyun Jang, and Gyu-Tae Kim, “Plasma treatment effect on charge carrier concentrations and surface traps in a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors”, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 114503 (2014)
40. Jae-Sung Kim, Min-Kyu Joo, Ming Xing Piao, Seung-Eon Ahn, Yong-Hee Choi, Junhong Na, Minju Shin, Man-Joong Han, Ho-Kyun Jang, Gyu-Tae Kim, “Effects of geometrically extended contact area on electrical properties in amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors”, Thin Solid Films.558, 279 (2014).
- 139. Seung-Eon Ahn, Sanghun Jeon, Youg Woo Jeon, Changjung Kim, Myoung-Jae Lee, Chang-Won Lee, Jongbong Park, Ihun Song, Arokia Nathan, Sungsik Lee and U-In Chung. “High-Performance Nanowire Oxide Photo-Thin Film Transistor” Adv. Mater. 25 (39), pp5549, (2013)
38. Seunghyup Lee, Seung-Eon Ahn*, Yongwoo Jeon, Ji-Hoon Ahn, Ihun Song, Sanghun Jeon, Dong-Jin Yun, Jungwoo Kim, Hyung Choi, U-in Chung, and Jaechul Park. “Impact of transparent electrode on photoresponse of ZnO-based phototransistor”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 251111 (2013).
37. Ji-Hoon Ahn, Seung-Eon Ahn*, Yongwoo Jeon, Seunghyup Lee, Ihun Song, Jungwoo Kim, Hyung Choi and U-in Chung, “Temperature Dependence of Photocurrent in an Amorphous GaInZnO/InZnO Thin Film Transistor”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 173515 (2013)
36. Jae Chul Park , Seung-Eon Ahn, and Ho-Nyeon Lee. “High-Performance Low-Cost Back-Channel-Etch Amorphous Gallium–Indium–Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors by Curing and Passivation of the Damaged Back Channel”. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 5 (23), pp 12262–12267. (2013)
35. Jae Chul Park, Seung-Eon Ahn, Chang Jung Kim, Ho-Nyeon Lee, and Seongil Im. “Instability of amorphous hafnium-indium-zinc-oxide thin film transistors under negative-bias-illumination stress” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 223509 (2013)
34. Sungho Park, Sekyoung Park, Seung-Eon Ahn, Ihun Song, Wonseok Chae, Manso Han, Jeseung Lee, Sanghun Jeon, “Effects of operational and geometrical conditions upon photosensitivity of amorphous InZnO thin film transistors” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 31(5), 050605, (2013)
33. So Jeong Park, Dae-Young Jeon, Seung-Eon Ahn, Sanghun Jeon, Laurent Montès, Gyu-Tae Kim, Gérard Ghibaudo. “Static electrical characterization and low frequency noise of a-InHfZnO thin film transistors”. Thin Solid Films. 548, pp 560, (2013)
- 132. Seung-Eon Ahn, Ihun Song, Sanghun Jeon, Youg Woo Jeon, Young Kim, Changjung Kim , Byungki Ryu, Je-Hun Lee, Arokia Nathan, Sungsik Lee, Gyu Tae Kim, and U-In Chung. “Metal oxide thin film phototransistor for remote touch interactive display” Adv. Mater. 24, 2631, (2012).
31. Sanghun Jeon, Seung-Eon Ahn, Ihun Song, Chang Jung Kim, U-In Chung, Eunha Lee, Inkyung Yoo, Arokia Nathan, Sungsik Lee, John Robertson and Kinam Kim. “Gated three-terminal device architecture to eliminate persistent photoconductivity in oxide semiconductor photosensor arrays” Nat. mater. 11, 301, (2012)
30. Inrok Hwang, Myung-Jae Lee, Jieun Bae, Sahwan Hong, Jin-Soo Kim, Jinsik Choi, Xiao Long Deng, Seung-Eon Ahn, Sung-Oong Kang, Bae Ho Park, “Effects of a load resistor on conducting filament characteristics and unipolar resistive switching behaviors in a Pt/NiO/Pt structure”, IEEE Electrons Device Lett., 33, 6, pp 881, (2012).
29. Seung-Eon Ahn, Myoung-Jae Lee, Bo Soo Kang, Dongsoo Lee, Chang-Jung Kim, Dong-Sik Kim, and U-In Chung. “Investigation for Resistive Switching by Controlling Overflow Current in Resistance Change Nonvolatile Memory”, IEEE Transactions on nanotechnology. 11. No. 6, November (2012).
28. K.H. Kim, S.R. Lee, S.-E. Ahn, M.-J. Lee, B.S. Kang, “Fabrication of one-diode-one-resistor memory cell structure of Pt/CuO/Pt/TiN/Pt/CuO/InZnOx/Pt and the effect of TiN layer on the improved resistance switching characteristics” Thin Solid Films, Volume 520, Issue 6, 1 January Pages 2272-2277, (2012)
- 127. Myoung-Jae Lee, Seung-Eon Ahn, Chang Bum Lee, Chang-Jung Kim, Sanghun Jeon, U-In Chung,In-Kyeong Yoo, Gyeong-Su Park, Seungwu Han, In Rok Hwang, and Bae-Ho Park. “A Simple Device Unit Consisting of All NiO Storage and Switch Elements for Multilevel Terabit Nonvolatile Random Access Memory” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 3, 4475, (2011)
26. Sanghun Jeon, Anass Benayad, Seung-Eon Ahn, Sungho Park, Ihun Song, Changjung Kim, and U-In Chung, "Short channel device performance of amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistor", Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 082104 (2011)
25. Dae-Young Jeon, Kyung Hoon Hwang, So-Jeong Park, Yun-Jeong Kim, Min-Kyu Joo, Seung-Eon Ahn, Gyu-Tae Kim and Chang-Hoon Nam, “Controlled surface adsorption of fd filamentous phage by tuning of the pH and the functionalization of the surface”. J. Appl. Phys. 109, 064701, (2011)
24. S.-E. Ahn, B.S. Kang, “Bipolar resistance switching of NiO/indium tin oxide heterojunction”, Current Applied Physics, 11, S349, (2011)
23. Sangwook Kim, Sunil Kim, Changjung Kim, JaeChul Park, Ihun Song, Sanghun Jeon, Seung-Eon Ahn, Jin-Seong Park, Jae Kyeong Jeong, "The influence of visible light on the gate bias instability of In–Ga–Zn–O thin film transistors" Solid-State Electronics, 62(1), 77-81.(2011)